Improve Water Efficiency
We are continuously working to improve our water efficiency and have succeeded in bringing down the water consumption by a staggering amount. We have metering systems across the water distribution network.
Optimizing Energy Consumption
Energy conservation implies reducing energy consumption at the organizational level. Energy conservation differs from efficient energy use, which refers to using less energy for a constant service.
Hazardous Waste Handling
We have been following EPA rules for hazardous waste handling. We have a provision to handle the solid waste generated from effluent treatment plants in the form of dry sludge.
We conduct regular training & awareness programs as an effort to imbibe the culture of sustainability within the organization. For these programs, we engage our internal trainers & awareness experts. Goals are regularly set for the program and it targets all employees at all levels right from workers to managers.
Our social initiative which is not only based on upcycling but also dedicated to women empowerment.
We take pride in aligning our corporate governance initiatives with globally accepted best practices while being sensitive to the cultural perspectives in operation.