Creating Shared Value

Our CSV business model accelerates the achievement of the SDGs.

A Force for Social Good

Creating Shared Value is one of the few new innovative strategy ideas to help build a sustainable competitive advantage. Dekko ISHO’s ambitions are to create shared value by having a positive impact on society and the environment, improving worker welfare, and driving environmental sustainability in our factories and where it operates. We believe that in order for our businesses to prosper in the long term, so too must the communities with which they work. We describe itself as a “catalyst for change going beyond its own operations.”

You create shared value by enhancing the competitive position of a company while at the same time advancing the society in which it operates.


CSV enhances core competitiveness of our company while simultaneously advancing the economic and social conditions. These activities are more connected by reconceiving the intersection between society and corporate performance. Thus, our CSV activities make communities healthy and successful, and the communities provide us with important public assets and a supportive environment. Consequentially, both society and corporations are beneficiaries.