Since the 1950s, Dekko Group has been singularly focused on delivering superior, consistent results using high-conviction portfolios, rigorous research and individual accountability.
The Group has experienced phenomenal growth, becoming the market leader due to the quality of its goods and services, its focus on cost leadership and the efficiency of its human capital.
The adherence to quality and timeliness in our exports have earned us a competitive advantage, having turned us into the industry leader of today.
To grow exponentially in the apparel industry across the globe by attaining the highest quality standards.
Challenge yourself to reach the top.
Innovation to advance fashion sustainably.
Growth through being fully prepared to provide excellence.
Customer satisfaction through partnership.
We’re an apparel manufacturer partner providing sustainable and organic one stop shop solutions for all things apparel production.Description for this block. Use this space for describing your block. Any text will do.
We Help You Grow Your Fashion Brand
Our apparel manufacturing system will help you stop worrying about production, so you can focus on growing your brand.Description for this block. Use this space for describing your block. Any text will do. Description for this block. You can use this space for describing your block.
Product Development Studio
We can start with a sketch, a picture, or a verbal idea. We provide fashion design, sourcing, pattern making, and sample making.Description for this block. Use this space for describing your block. Any text will do. Description for this block. You can use this space for describing your block.
We bring stunning aesthetic appearance
We use sustainable OZONE fading machine from Jeanlogia, nano-bubble technology machine from Tonello and dryer machine Tupesa. Our R&D team brings stunning aesthetic appearance in their development. We apply both wet and dry wash process.
Sustainable and Environmental Friendly
We implemented environmentally friendly production processes in the long term, to improve health and safety and to promote socially responsible working conditions
Environmental Management
From the use of chemicals to responsible handling of wastewater and emissions to reduction of the carbon footprint.
Implemented specific actions to improve working conditions and strengthens health and safety protection for workers at the production sites.
Social Responsibility
We ensure socially responsible and fair working conditions at production sites, which includes working times, wage payments and social insurance as well as compliance with hygiene and medical requirements.
We contribute towards the continuous improvement of production processes and the efficient use of resources, and thus creates the basis for an optimum competitive position.